Make Sure you have installed two modules :
1. Python text-to-speech - pip install pyttsx3
2. Python My SQL Connector - pip install mysql-connector
Output Video :
GitHub : Airways Management System - cleverakash
Source-Code :
# Airways Management System
Make Sure you have installed two modules :
1. Python text-to-speech - pip install pyttsx3
2. Python My SQL Connector - pip install mysql-connector
import mysql.connector # it'll connect python to MySQL RDMS by which we can access our Databases.
import pyttsx3 # this is Python text-to-speech which gives a voice to our Airways Management System.
def speak(line):
'''it will give a female voice to Every line given as argument(parameter)'''
voice_id = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\TTS_MS_EN-US_ZIRA_11.0"
voice = pyttsx3.init()
voice.setProperty('voice', voice_id)
speak("Enter Sql USER Password to get Started & if you don't know the password just press Enter")
sqlpswd = input("Enter SQL USER Password : ")
''' Since the User name of most SQL users are same i.e. 'root' we'll also it'''
flightDB = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd=sqlpswd)
except Exception:
speak("You've entered wrong sql password try again")
print("Wrong Password try again ->")
pswd = input(" Enter SQL USER Password : ")
flightDB = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost', user='root', passwd=pswd)
except Exception:
speak("You've Again entered wrong SQL password please remember it and Try agail Later!")
print("Brother Focus and Try Later! Go Relax ;)")
# Fetching the Databases in our Program
cursor = flightDB.cursor()
# Will Create Database Flight If it's not created before
cursor.execute('CREATE DATABASE flight')
# Using Database flight
cursor.execute('USE flight')
# Creating Table of Flight's Data
cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE flightData(flightNo INT, fName VARCHAR(20), fare INT)')
line = "----------------------------------------------------------------"
def write_data():
''' It will add New Details of Flights in table flightData'''
speak('Enter the Number of Flights you want to insert in Database')
No_Of_flight = int(input(f"\n{line}\nEnter the Number of Flights you want to insert : "))
for num in range(No_Of_flight):
speak(f'Enter the Details of {num+1}-Flight')
print(f'{line}\nEnter the Details of {num+1}-Flight : \n')
flightNo = int(input(f'Enter flight Number : '))
fName = input(f'Enter Name of flight-{flightNo} : ')
fare = input(f'Enter Fare of {fName}-{flightNo} : ')
cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO flightData VALUES ({flightNo}, '{fName}', {fare})")
def show():
''' It will show all the Contents in table flightData'''
speak('Showing the Details of Flights')
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM flightData')
data = cursor.fetchall()
print(f"\n{line}\nDetails of Flight : ")
for flights in data:
print(' ', flights)
except Exception:
print("Empty Database! Please Insert Details of Flight using 1st Operation.")
def delete():
'''To delete some details of particular flight'''
speak('Please Enter Flight Number to delete its Data : ')
flightNo = int(input(f"\n{line}\nPlease Enter Flight Number to delete its Data : "))
cursor.execute(f'DELETE FROM flightData WHERE flightNo={flightNo}')
speak(f'Details of Flight-{flightNo}, deleted Successfully')
print(f'{line}\nDetails of Flight-{flightNo}, deleted Successfully.')
except Exception:
print(f'Details of Flight-{flightNo} was Not Found!')
def search():
'''It'll Search and return a particular Flight details '''
speak("Please Enter Flight Number to Search : ")
flightNo = int(input(f"\n{line}\nPlease Enter Flight Number to Search : "))
cursor.execute(f'SELECT * FROM flightData WHERE flightNo={flightNo}')
data = cursor.fetchall()
print(f'\n{line}\nDetails of Flight-{flightNo} :\n {data} \n{line}')
except Exception:
print(f'Details of Flight-{flightNo} was Not Found!')
def updateData():
'''It'll Update the details of particular flight'''
speak('Enter Flight Number to Update its detail :')
oldfNo = int(input(f"\n{line}\nEnter Flight Number to Update its detail : "))
speak(f'Enter the New Details of Flight-{oldfNo} :')
print(f'{line}\nEnter the New Details of Flight-{oldfNo} : ')
flightNo = int(input(f'Enter flight Number :'))
cursor.execute(f'UPDATE flightData SET flightNo={flightNo} WHERE flightNo={oldfNo}')
fName = input(f'Enter Name of flight-{flightNo} : ')
cursor.execute(f'UPDATE flightData SET fName="{fName}" WHERE flightNo={flightNo}')
fare = input(f'Enter Fare of {fName}-{flightNo} : ')
cursor.execute(f'UPDATE flightData SET fare={fare} WHERE flightNo={flightNo}')
speak(f'Details of {fName}-{flightNo} Updated Successfully.')
print(f'{line}\nDetails of {fName}-{flightNo} Updated Successfully.\n{line}')
except Exception:
print(f'Details of Flight-{oldfNo} was Not Found!')
if __name__=="__main__":
speak_one_time = 0
speak_one = 0
while True:
if speak_one == 0:
speak("Enter Number to choose specific operation you want to perform")
speak_one = 1
print('\nOperations :\n 1 - Add Flight Details.\n 2 - Show Flight Details\n 3 - Update Flight Details. ')
print(' 4 - Delete Flight Detail.\n 5 - Search Flights.\n 6 - Clock.\n 7 - EXIT.')
if speak_one_time == 0:
speak("1 for Adding Flight Details, 2 for Displaying flight details, 3 to Update flight details"
"4 for Deleting flight details, 5 to Search Flights, 6 to know current timings, and 7 for Exit")
speak_one_time = 1
op = int(input("\nEnter Number to Choose Operation : "))
if op == 1:
elif op == 2:
elif op == 3:
elif op == 4:
elif op == 5:
elif op == 6:
import time
live_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
speak(f"The Current timings are : {live_time}")
print(f"\n{line}\nThe Current timings are : {live_time} \n{line}\n")
elif op == 7:
speak('Thanks for Using Airways Management System')
print(f"\n{line}\nThanks for Using Airways Management System.\n")
speak("Creators of this, Airways Management System are Akash kumar Singh, Rohit Kumar and Pawan Meena ")
print(f"Creators of Airways Management System :\n | Akash kumar Singh | Rohit kumar | Pawan Meena | \n{line}")
speak("Please Choose CORRECT Operation!")
print("Please Choose CORRECT Operation!")